Licence Know-How Availment

Bajpai Limited has tie-ups with prestigious international companies/Technology Sources in the Petrochemicals, Steel and Wood working industrial sectors. on global basis for obtaining license/know-how for industrial process plants and specific systems at extremely competitive prices.

Some of the Process Technologies available are listed below:

  • Acetic Acid
  • Aqueous Formaldehyde (AF-37 / UFC-55)
  • Urea Formaldehyde Concentrate (UFC-85)
  • Controlled / Slow Release Fertilizers
  • Paraformaldehyde (91%-96%)
  • Hexa Methylene Tetra Amine (Hexamine)
  • Urea / Melamine (UF / MF / MUF)Liquid and Powder Amino Resins
  • UF/MF/PF/PE Moulding Compounds
  • ResolPhenol Formaldehyde Liquid and Powder Resins
  • Liquid and Powder Sulphonated Naphthalene Formaldehyde (SNF / PNS) Superplasticizers
  • Polycarboxylates
  • Pentaerythritol
  • Neo Pentyl Glycol
  • Tri Methylol Propane
  • Methalol
  • Maleic Anhydride
  • Unsaturated Polyester Resins (PE)
  • Decorative/Industrial Laminates
  • Sulphuric Acid and Oleum
  • Ammonium Nitrate
  • Ammonium Bi-Carbonate
  • Sodium Nitrate/Nitrite
  • Methyl Amines
  • Di Methyl Formamide
  • Concentrated Nitric Acid
  • Gypsum Coated Urea
  • Urea Nitrate Phosphate
  • Polyacetals
  • Sodium Methoxide
  • Hot Rolled Steel Sections Mills
  • Cold Rolled Steel Sections Mills
  • Continuous High Pressure Decorative Laminates
  • Impregnated Papers for Decorative Laminates
  • Daylight Presses for Decorative Laminates

Bajpai Limited can offer technological tie-ups against specific enquiries from potential investors and the Process Technological Support Agencies are listed in the template placed below :